Black Hollow – Auditioning Grades 8-12 – Immersive Theatre (Plano)

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What is Immersive Theatre?

Immersive Theater erases the boundary between audience and performer by creating a world with set, technology, and actors that our audiences can participate in as a walk-through experience. Immersive theatre can take many forms, and you may have experienced something like this before at a haunted house, theme park, or murder mystery dinner.

Performers will develop advanced improvisational skills, heightened spatial awareness, and deeper emotional engagement as they interact with audiences in a non-traditional performance setting. Meanwhile, TechTrack students will gain hands-on experience with practical effects, atmospheric sound design, immersive lighting techniques, and environmental storytelling.


The year is 1684. The town of Black Hollow is on the brink of collapse. Fear grips its people—not fear of war, famine, or plague, but of something far worse: the unseen, the whispered accusations, the certainty that evil walks among them.
What began as a simple testimony has spiraled into a web of paranoia and superstition, where neighbors turn on neighbors and justice is a mere illusion. The town square has become a hunting ground, the courthouse a stage for the condemned, and the gallows… a waiting mouth, hungry for its next soul. No one is safe. Not even you.
Step into the role of a villager, an accuser, a judge, or the condemned. Shape the story. Guide the fear. Hold the power of life and death in your hands.


Audition Tips for Students
NTPA Casting Philosophy
Audition FAQs for Parents


Written by Melissa Winton
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