NTPA Blog2019-05-23T12:55:27-05:00

Giving Tuesday! – DONATE TODAY!


Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement held each year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, unleashing the power of radical generosity to transform communities and the world. On this Giving Tuesday, please consider making a $10 contribution to a North Texas Performing Arts program of your choosing and [...]

Win A FREE YEAR of Theatre!

NTPA News, Stardust Awards|

NTPA UNLIMITED RAFFLE Win "All-You-Can-NTPA" for ONE YEAR! Raffle Sales Close October 15, 2022, 8:20 PM Total value: Priceless! Includes: FREE tuition for UNLIMITED productions - includes NTPA Academy, Youth, Collegiate Pursuits, Starcatchers, Studios and/or Deaf Theatre productions auditioning January 1-December 31, 2023 FOUR complimentary tickets to every NTPA [...]

Announcing 2022 NTPA Stardust Award for Performing Arts Educators – Gregory Arp Named Distinguished Performing Arts Leader

Stardust Awards|

North Texas Performing Arts announces its 2022 NTPA Stardust Award recipients for Leadership and Education. The Distinguished Performing Arts Leader award will go to Gregory Arp, Plano ISD Theatre & Speech Coordinator. Mr. Arp has led Plano ISD’s theatre and speech program strategy for the past eight years and [...]

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