NTPA Programs

North Texas Performing Arts announces The Lightning Thief

Announcing Auditions for Four NTPA Locations! This dynamic musical adaptation of Rick Riordan's bestselling book opened on Broadway in 2019 and now it’s coming to NTPA stages with productions planned at FOUR NTPA LOCATIONS - Plano, Fairview, Frisco and Dallas! Join us on the epic journey! About the Show When teenager Percy Jackson discovers [...]

2021-12-26T18:14:12-06:00December 17th, 2021|NTPA Programs|

You are Invited to the 2nd Annual North Texas Performing Arts Invitational Theatre and Speech Tournament!

This Invitational Tournament will award Top Theatre and Speech Awards in all your favorite events and more for Middle Schoolers for the entire North Texas region! The tournament is open to public, private, individual and home-school students currently in grades 6-8 (or age equivalents) for any student residing in the North Texas region. This [...]

2021-12-26T18:15:18-06:00October 28th, 2021|NTPA Programs|

Time to Get Spooky! Join Us at our Upcoming Halloween Events!

Fun for the Whole Family!A Drive-Through EventSaturday, October 30, 11:00 AM-4:00 PMThe Shops at Willow BendJoin us for the 2nd Annual NTPA Trunk-or-Treat hosted by the NTPA – Academy! Enjoy our Halloween festivities in a socially-distanced, safe way by joining our Drive-Through Trunk or Treat! The trick-or-treating meets carnival extravaganza will provide fun for the [...]

2021-12-26T18:15:28-06:00September 24th, 2021|NTPA Programs|

Join us for NTPA’s “Celebration of Champions” Recognizing Our Heroes Fundraising Gala

Together We Did Beat This!NTPA is please to announce the final of our 5-phase safety protocol drawdown and a complete return to normalcy on August 1!Thank you to our supporters, families, and staff for championing NTPA over the past year. It is because of your dedication that we can confidently say today that [...]

2021-12-26T18:03:44-06:00June 25th, 2021|NTPA News, NTPA Programs|

NTPA Academy 2021 Fall Instructors

Kaitlyn Barnard Music Theory - Monday/Wednesday in Plano Explore Musical Theatre - Monday/Wednesday in Plano Musical Review Works of Sondheim - Tuesday/Thursday in Plano Christian Black Acting III - Monday/Wednesday in Plano Jeff Colangelo Intro to Stage Combat - Tuesday/Thursday in Plano Stage Combat Blade Work (Knives) - Tuesday/Thursday [...]

2021-06-10T14:12:51-05:00June 10th, 2021|NTPA News, NTPA Programs|

Try out the NTPA Academy in the Academy Experience

Come EXPERIENCE the NTPA – Academy with our new trial program for prospective students in Plano and Fairview! Step into the world of the Academy and experience classes that are only available to our current Academy certification students. Learn from DFW’s best theatre educators in this free program which allows parents and students to try up to [...]

2021-12-26T18:16:39-06:00March 30th, 2021|NTPA Programs|

There’s No Business Like Snow Business

Enter the All-Ages Virtual Talent Competition! Deadline: February 19, 3:00 PM Just post a video to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or Twitter with the hashtag #NTPASnowBusiness! While performers all around North Texas are snowed in, we invite you to share your talent and enter our all ages virtual talent competition, “No Business [...]

2021-12-26T18:24:40-06:00February 15th, 2021|NTPA Programs|
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