Field of Dreams is not quite theater, but it does have a great storyline and about the only thing in the world that I can accurately quote without Google. For those of you too young to know or too old to remember, it’s about perseverance and believing in yourself and the ups and downs of the ride. For me, NTPA embodies this message more than anything else I have experienced as a parent. Our children work SO HARD and are rewarded handsomely!
My life in the theater began with disappointment. After a rather awful audition for The Prince and the Pauper in my 7 th grade school play at St. Monica, I was granted the position of Co-Director, meaning that I was able to take roll at the beginning of each rehearsal. Once I got over the sting, I began to appreciate the arts and the work it took to put on a show. I loved seeing my friends on stage and was amazed at how natural some seemed in the spotlight. And that is where my life in theater ended…so I thought!
I often wonder – If NTPA had been around back then to support and nurture my love for the arts, would I have ever had my own debut on stage? I imagine I would have become more confident in giving presentations so my voice wouldn’t shake when I am in front of a real-life crowd staring at me. (I work remotely and am happy to present on WebEx, without the live feed, of course!)
Today, I am proud to have found my voice in the audience cheering on so many NTPA performers, including my own children. The fact that my own daughter began acting with NTPA at the age of 9 just blows my mind. She is outgoing, confident and bold and that has translated to her classroom. She learns by asking questions and is the first to shoot her hand up in class. She tells me that when other students got cold feet to sing The Preamble to the Constitution in Social Studies class, she sang it loudly and proudly. It makes my heart swell to know that she has a place like NTPA that encourages her to be self-confident in everything that she does – on and off the stage.
If there is a presenter with my children in the room, they need not worry come time for Q&A – my kids have you covered! My son, who is just about as outgoing, if not more so, also has taken the stage with NTPA at the ripe age of 7 – mind blown again! Anyone remember the dalmatian puppy in 101 Dalmatians that literally screamed his songs at the top of his lungs so you could see his veins popping out of his neck? Yep, that one is mine! NTPA has given him a safe place to be loud and have FUN!
Raising children takes a village (a rather large Dallas metroplex for my kids), and I am so honored that NTPA shares their loving Directors with us so that my children have place to learn and grow and become more of who they are meant to be. I have a very special place in my heart for all the older performers and interns that excel at demonstrating the 10 Characters: Teamwork, Leadership, Responsibility, Respect, Confidence, Integrity, Discipline, Gratitude, Positive Attitude, and last but definitely not the least – Love One Another. I hear stories about how my daughter solicits guidance from some of her older peers, and the kindness and motivation she receives is truly awesome. My daughter looks up to your children and I must tell you – Parents, YOU are doing amazing things – keep it up!
Theater is a team sport, but even more so in the sense that it’s not just the performers that count come game time. It’s the parents, volunteers, siblings, friends, grandparents and neighbors that make a show. Our backyard is growing, and we need your help! NTPA Dallas is growing quickly and thankfully we have this opportunity closer to home. I hope you decide to share in my excitement for this opportunity to build something grand in Dallas. Tell others what NTPA means to you and your family. We are so proud to call NTPA – Dallas home!
Proud Theater Momma to Caroline & Logan,
Emily White
Your NO PLACE LIKE HOME Campaign Chair