Our Thanks to YOU!
The eighth of our “Ten Characters” is “Gratitude” and in the midst of this joyous Thanksgiving Season we want you to know how grateful we are that you are part of our family.
To our students, parents and volunteers,
Thank YOU for sharing your talent and your passion on our stages, our classrooms, and our screens. It has been a year unlike any other, and we are so grateful for our community created across three decades. YOU have kept us going during this challenging year. It is your heart and your determination that have pushed us to continue learning and adapting. It is your support for our strict protocols, your participation in our online programs, and your flexibility with delays and challenges that ensure our doors remain open now … and for years to come.
To our friends, patrons, and fans,
Thank YOU for continuing to support our mission to develop the character of youth. Each time you buy a ticket, make a donation, or make an NTPA purchase, you ensure that another child has the opportunity to take the stage and have their voice heard. YOUR generosity, now more than ever, has been our life-line. Your confidence during this challenging year, and your ongoing support allow us to continue offering educational performing arts programming for thousands of families in North Texas in 2020 and beyond.
To our staff, leaders, and board members,
Thank YOU for continuing each and every day ready to pour your talent and love into the lives of our actors, our families, and our co-workers. This year has challenged us in ways we never imagined. It has also made us stronger as a team. YOUR drive and passion for education and the performing arts are unmatched. You are the foundation upon which we have built the most impactful and largest arts education program in the country. Your support impacts lives every day, and it all happens because of you. Thank You!

As the region’s numbers grow, we want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to make sure that you are as safe as possible when inside our theatre’s walls.
We encourage you to remember the following holiday safety tips:
★ We know it may be hard, but try to avoid attending holiday gatherings with anyone who does not live in your household.
★ If attending a holiday event or gathering, always maintain 6-feet of safe social distance from anyone who does not live in your household (even at the dinner table!).
★ If attending a holiday event or gathering, always wear a mask.
★ If you haven’t done so already, consider getting a flu shot this season.
★ Do not carpool with people who live outside your household.
★ Wash hands regularly and completely for 20 seconds.
★ Never share water bottles or drinks.
Keep your guard up this holiday season!
Don’t let a positive Covid-19 test keep you from taking the stage!
Remember: If you are within 6 feet of anyone for
15 minutes or more, you could be at risk!