Support NTPA – Frisco by making a donation or sponsorship today! Funds raised will support a future new home, upcoming programs and facility improvements! A new future space for NTPA – Frisco will allow us to offer additional productions, summer camps, after school classes and private lessons AND will include our very own performance space! Your generosity supports thousands of Frisco-area youth as they develop character through the performing arts.
Friends and Family Sponsorship Opportunities
Commemorate a special show, cast or celebrate a spectacular performance of a student with a photo print in our Spotlight Gallery display in our main corridor leading to our black box and rehearsal studios. Limited space! First come, first serve basis. Placement for two years. Available in two sizes.
8″ x 10″ photo – $400
11″ x 14″ photo – $600
16″ x 20″ photo – $1,000
Make a stunning statement honoring a student, cast or family member with a shining star on our Honor Wall. Stars will be displayed in our main corridor leading to our black box and rehearsal studios. Includes Patron Level Membership for one year for 18″ Stars. Limited space! First come, first serve basis. Placement for ten years or during life of lease. Available in three sizes.
- 18″ Stars — $1000 each ($84 monthly) – includes 1-year Patron membership
- 12″ Stars — $750 each ($63 monthly)
- 6″ Stars — $500 each ($42 monthly)
Monthly payments are available for these items!
Only 10 available! First come, first serve basis!
- Sponsor your choice of one of our Ten Characters
- Will display favorite photo, Character & Named Signage in Lobby on approximately 16×32” signage for 5 years
- Receive Playbill and website recognition for 5 years
Want to pay monthly? No problem! Contact NTPA Development at
Facility Sponsorship and Naming Opportunities
With thousands of students, parents and patrons visiting our location each year, facility sponsorship offers great visibility and is an impactful way to support NTPA – Frisco and the performing arts.
Interested in a Facility Sponsorship or Naming Opportunity? Contact NTPA Development at to learn more!
Example of possible new space layout

Click each tab to learn more about Facility Sponsorship and Naming options.
Naming rights to our future performance space that will also serve as our primary rehearsal studio. This space will host 20 productions/140 shows per year. Sponsorship includes
- Listing on sponsor plaque in lobby
- 18″ x 24″ plaque at the entry to theatre and inside theatre
- Playbill and website recognition for five-years
- A special dedication event and a press release
Naming rights to our largest rehearsal space that will double as our main lobby for performances. Includes:
- Listing on sponsor plaque in space
- 18 x 24 plaque at entry to rehearsal studio and inside rehearsal studio
- Playbill and website recognition for five-years
- A special dedication event and a press release
Naming rights to our secondary lobby space utilized for all rehearsals. Includes:
- Includes listing on sponsor plaque in space
- 18 x 24 plaque at entry to rehearsal studio and inside rehearsal studio
- playbill and website recognition for five-years
- A special dedication event and a press release
Naming rights to one of our large rehearsal studios. Includes:
- Includes listing on sponsor plaque in space
- 18 x 24 plaque at entry to rehearsal studio and inside rehearsal studio
- playbill and website recognition for five-years
- A special dedication event and a press release
Naming rights to one of our smaller rehearsal studios. Includes:
- Listing on sponsor plaque in lobby at entry to rehearsal studio and inside rehearsal studio
- 9″ x12″ plaque hung at entry to rehearsal studio as well as inside rehearsal studio
- Playbill and website recognition for five-years
- A special dedication event and a press release
Naming rights to the conference room where creative meetings take place. Includes:
- Listing on sponsor plaque in lobby at entry to room and inside room
- Playbill and website recognition for five-years