NTPA is excited to announce the expansion of the NTPA Southlake program with a new Southlake theatre home! In our second year of programming, this new space will allow us to offer over 30 production per year, a full summer of camps and productions, after school classes, private lessons, and more!

We need your support to raise the funds to build out this new space that will be called home by thousands of Southlake-area youth as they develop character through the performing arts.

Get to Know Our New Home!

  • Convenient Location off Northwest Parkway
  • Mainstage Theatre with over 150 seats

  • Black Box Theatre

  • 4 Rehearsal/Dance Studios

  • Individual Practice Rooms

  • Offices
Three actors perform in NTPA Southlake's Winnie the Pooh Kids
Donate to NTPA Southlake

Southlake Sponsorship Opportunities

Photo Gallery

NTPA photo gallery wall featuring photos of students from past productions

Honor your actor in action with a picture in our Photo Gallery. There are a limited number of spaces available. Includes two-year display of photo. Family will provide a high-res picture. Placement, content and quality subject to Theatre Management Approval. Picture must feature a live or staged “show picture” of an onstage setting in costume.

8″ x 10″ photo – $400
11″ x 14″ photo – $600
16″ x 20″ photo – $1,000

Purchase Actor’s Gallery Photo

Stars Honor Wall

north texas performing arts wall of honor

Make a stunning statement honoring a student, cast or family member with a shining star on our Honor Wall in our new theatre. Brushed aluminum die-cut stars will be displayed in our mainstage theatre. Includes Patron Level Membership for one year for 18″ Stars. Limited space! First come, first serve basis. Placement is for length of lease. Available in three sizes.

  • 18″ Stars — $1000 each ($84 monthly) – includes 1-year Patron membership
  • 12″ Stars — $750 each ($63 monthly)
  • 6″ Stars — $500 each ($42 monthly)
Purchase Stars Honor Wall

Facility Sponsorships

With 100,000 students, parents and patrons visiting our location each year, facility sponsorship offers great visibility and is an impactful way to support NTPA – Southlake and the performing arts.

Interested in a Facility Sponsorship or Naming Opportunity? Contact NTPA Development at development@ntpa.org to learn more!

Cost: Starting at $1,800

Monthly payment plans available!

Contact NTPA Development to Become a Facility Sponsor

Facility Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Naming Rights for the Patron Space displayed at entry
  • Events and activities to take place in “YOUR NAME” space!
  • Name will extend to electronic signboards, and other media.
  • Plaque to be hung at the entry of this space (9”x12”)
  • Plaque to be placed on a prominent wall within the
  • Listing as Patron Level Donor on a sponsor plaque in Lobby.
  • Contributions $20,000 and above recognized on Entrance plaque
  • Playbill and Website recognition for at least five years
  • Dedication Event & Press Release for Levels $20,000 and above
  • Patron may provide design input to decoration of this space.
  • Patron may to choose one of our “Ten Characters” (subject to availability on a “first come, first serve” basis)
Black Box Outfitting Estimated Cost
Sound/Microphones $12,000
Lights $12,000
Curtains $2,500
90 Temporary Seats $3,150
Light Rigging $1,800
Black Box Total $31,450
Mainstage Outfitting Estimated Cost
Sound/Microphones $12,000
Lights $16,000
Curtains $3,500
Projector $8,000
180 Temporary Seats $6,300
Light Rigging $1,800
Mainstage Total $47,600
Space Naming Opportunities Cost
Mainstage $20,000
Black Box $15,000
Rehearsal (2 available) $5,000
Conference Room $3,000
Reception Area $7,500
Private Practice Room (2 available) $4,000
Set Build/Storage $3,000
Contact NTPA Development to Become a Facility Sponsor